No Headache Inhaler
This must be the first thing I have ever done with non-diluted essential oils. I got the idea from an allergy inhaler recipe I saw on the interweb. I keep a small jar of lavender on my desk to smell when I have a slight headache and don’t want to take anything and I thought this would be a nice alternative.
Despite the heavy lavender use, the chamomile is quite forward. I added the eucalyptus primarily to open up the nasal passages.
2 inhaler tubes
30 drops of lavender essential oil
15 drops of chamomile essential oil
2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
Mix all drops, then use the absorption core that comes with the inhalers (or a refill) to soak up the oil. Use tweezers to move the soaked core to the inhaler tube and then cap it on the bottom.