Chakra Work

Chakras are wheels of energy throughout the body that help us to balance and use the energy of life (prana). The seven primary chakras align with the spine beginning at the tail bone and extending to the crown of the head. For physical, emotional, and spiritual health it is important to keep the chakras balanced, aligned, and fluid. If you are new to chakras check out my post about the basics, Understanding the Chakra System.

Where does Chakra work originate?

The word Chakra is said to be Sanskrit for “wheel” or “turning”. The first known mention of them is in 7-800 BCE in the Upanishads. These works set out to explain the fundaments of Hinduism. Between the first mention and 200 CE, details such as the locations, mantras, and details of the chakra system emerged.

In the 16th century, Swami Purananda wrote a book that would be wildly influential on the broad distribution of the system. The book is Sri Tattva Cintamini and the sixth chapter is called Sat Cakra Nirupana meaning the investigation of the six centers. This chapter is the basis of much information on the descriptions of the chakras and the activities used to activate and balance them. I believe this is also the first mention of the movement of the kundalini. In the 20th century, our buddy Sir John Woodroofe (he is a very interesting fellow) translated Swami Purananda book into The Serpent Power.

After the book, the system is widely available to the western world and begins to be interpreted through various systems of belief. Alice Bailey and Charles Webster Leadbeater influenced how the system is perceived in the west. Fast forward to 1977 when Nuclear Evolution by Christopher Hills hit the shelves and we see the chakras now related to a spectrum of colors and personality types that is still quite prevalent today.

So how does it work?

Geez, what a question!! I know I’m the one that asked it but that’s fully loaded. I have some stuff you can check out where I’ve gathered my thoughts and readings and such in the following series of posts. I suggest you start out with Understanding the Chakra System then go wherever your heart desires. Happy exploring.

Chakra posts to explore
Solar Plexus Chakra
Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)

Manipura (solar plexus chakra) is our Will, Power and Assertiveness energy center.  It is a source of personal power and governs self-esteem, warrior energy, and the powe…

Balancing a sluggish Muladhara

When your Root Chakra (Muladhara) is sluggish you are poorly grounded and have trouble functioning on the physical plane. Try some of these to connect more fully to the material. Choose one or two o…

Balancing an overcharged Muladhara

If your root chakra is overcharged it means you are relying too heavily on the material realm for your sense of security. Here are some great ways to work towards balance. Clean out a closet, drawer…

Sacral Chakra
Svadhisthana (Sacral Chakra)

Svadhisthana (sacral chakra) is your creativity and pleasure center and is located above the pubic bone and below the navel, and encompasses the genital region.…

Muladhara (Root Chakra)

Muladhara (root or base chakra) is responsible for your sense of well-being on this earthly journey.…

Understanding the Chakra System

Let’s define some of the key parts of the chakra system. Prana – The sum total of all energy that is manifest in the universe Nadis – Channels through which the energies of the subtle body flow.…