
German Chamomile

Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) Monograph


Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
Family: Asteraceae

Common medicinal properties:  Analgesic, Anodyne, Anti-inflammatory, Antidepressant, Antirheumatic, antispasmodic, Anti-Viral, Aromatic, Bitter, Carmenative, Cholagogue, Cicatrisant, Depurative, Diaphoretic, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Febrifuge, Hepatic, Nervine, Sedative, Splenic, Stomachic, Vasoconstrictor, Vulnerary

Current Research: Research suggests that taking 220-1110 mg of German chamomile daily for 8 weeks reduces anxiety and depression in adults with anxiety disorder.

Contraindications: Should not be used with estrogen or sedative medications.

Parts Used: Chamomile flowers, tea, chamomile oil

Constituents: volatile oil (containing chamazulene, farnesene, bisabolol), flavonoids (including rutin and quercimertrin), coumarins, plant acids (including valerianic acid), fatty acids, cyanogenic glycosides, salicylate derivatives

Folk applications:  Used as hand wash to bring Money or ensure luck at gambling. Added to a bath to attract love. Used in sleep or meditation incenses. Sprinkled around a property to remove curses and create protection.

Tincture recipe: 1:3 ariel dried 40%

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